How to Make Coffee on the Stove? – Great Recipes for You

How to Make Coffee on the Stove?

Let me tell you a story

John was a coffee enthusiast, his love for the drink surpassing all else and he viewed it as an art form. He had tried every method of brewing imaginable, from pour-over to French press and even espresso machines. But one thing remains on his bucket list; making stovetop coffee.

He searched high and low but could not find the answer to how this was done. Every person he told him that stovetop coffee was too complicated to make at home – something only experts could do. John refused to accept this, determined more than ever before to master this technique himself no matter what it took.

How to Make Coffee on the Stove

Finally, after days of searching, he discovered an old text tucked away in the back corner of a bookstore; it contained instructions on exactly how to make the perfect stovetop coffee! After reading through all the details carefully he purchased everything necessary with great excitement (including fresh beans!) and headed home ready for success!

Back at home, John followed each step precisely as written in the book until finally….the moment came! There sat a beautiful pot full of freshly made delicious smelling liquid that just begged him to take a sip – so he did not hesitate! The flavor exploded across his taste buds like never before leaving him speechless with delight – he had done it!! Stovetop Coffee had been conquered by none other than himself!

I believe that out of everyone here, there will be a few people who have a similar situation to John above. Or you are in the case that your coffee machine is broken. So, what is the way to save here? That’s the stovetop. So, how to make coffee on the stove? In this article, we will tell you what John found. In addition, we will give you many tips to master this secret. Let’s get started.

How to Make Coffee on the Stove? – Five Different Methods

Method 1: Saucepan

Making coffee on the stove is a simple and delicious way to enjoy your favorite cup of Joe. With just a few tools, you can make rich, flavorful coffee without having to use an electric coffeemaker. All you need is some ground coffee, water, and a saucepan that’s designed for stove-top brewing. Here are the steps: 

  1. Begin by filling the saucepan with cold water. The amount of water you should use depends on how many cups of coffee you would like to make – generally, two tablespoons of ground coffee per cup of water works well. 
  2. Heat the water in the saucepan until it just begins to simmer (bubble slightly). This will ensure that the coffee grounds are extracted without the risk of a bitter taste. 
  3. Once the water is hot, turn off the heat and add two tablespoons of your favorite ground coffee per cup of water. 
  4. Put the saucepan lid on, and allow the mixture to steep for about four minutes. This will ensure that all of the flavors from the beans are extracted into your coffee. 
  5. After steeping for four minutes, take off the lid and pour in any desired creamers or sweeteners before serving. If you’re making more than one cup of coffee at a time, be sure to evenly divide them among cups when pouring up each one so they get an equal amount of flavor. 

And that’s it! Enjoy your coffee and savor the amazing flavor you can get from a simple stove-top brew. Bon Appétit! 

Note: If you’re concerned about safety, use a heat-resistant handle on your saucepan so you don’t burn yourself while brewing your coffee. Also, make sure to keep an eye on the pan while heating the water to avoid boiling over or burning. Lastly, be careful when pouring hot liquids into mugs or cups – they may crack if they’re not suitable for hot temperatures. Always use caution when making coffee on the stove! 

Method 2: Percolator

Making coffee on the stove using a percolator is an easy, traditional process that yields excellent results. A percolator is ideal for those who want to make multiple cups of coffee quickly and with minimal fuss. Here are the steps to follow: 

  1. Fill the percolator with cold water up to the desired fill line inscribed on the inner chamber. The amount of water you add will determine how strong your coffee will be; more water yields weaker coffee. 
  2. Place between two (2) and four (4) tablespoons of ground coffee into the basket at the top of the percolator and snap it into place over the chamber filled with water. 
  3. Put your pot onto the stove and turn the heat to medium-high. You should be able to hear a steady bubbling noise as the water heats up, rising into the basket of coffee grounds. 
  4. When steam begins to escape from the spout of your percolator, it’s time to reduce your heat or even remove it from the stove for a few moments so that you don’t over-extract and make too bitter of a cup of coffee. Leaving it on the burner will also cause it to boil over. 
  5. After three (3) minutes, remove the pot from the heat and allow it to sit for an additional two (2) minutes before serving.

Making coffee with a percolator is simple, yielding delicious cups of coffee. This method has been used for generations and will continue to be an efficient way for those who want multiple cups of great-tasting coffee. 

Method 3: Moka Pot 

Making coffee on the stove can be a great way to get your morning cup of joe. It’s simple, and you don’t need any fancy equipment – just a Moka pot! A Moka pot is an Italian-style stovetop espresso maker that uses steam pressure to create rich, delicious espresso. With this method, all you need is ground coffee, a few minutes of your time, and some hot water to make the perfect cup of coffee. Here are the steps for making coffee using a Moka pot:

  1. Fill the bottom chamber with cold water up to the pressure valve line inside. Make sure not to overfill or underfill it.
  2. Place a filter into the funnel-shaped metal basket that goes into the middle chamber and fill it with ground espresso beans or your favorite blend of coffee grounds. Do not press the coffee into the basket.
  3. Place the top chamber on top of the middle one, making sure it’s aligned properly and fits snugly. Put it onto a stovetop burner set to medium-high heat and wait for the water to start boiling.
  4. Once the pressure valve begins to release steam and make a gurgling sound, reduce the heat slightly so that this process slows down but does not stop completely. This should take about 3 minutes or so – remove from heat when finished.
  5. Let your coffee cool off before pouring it into cups or mugs – enjoy!
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The secret to great-tasting coffee using a Moka pot is in watching carefully as you heat it and making sure the pressure valve is releasing steam. It’s also important to use the right grind of coffee for your desired result. If you want a stronger, more espresso-like flavor, use a finer grind. Coarse grounds will create a lighter cup of coffee with less intensity. With some practice and trial and error, you’ll soon be able to make the perfect cup of coffee on your stovetop! Bon appétit!

The above content explains how to make coffee on the stove using a Moka pot in simple steps. It provides tips on adjusting the heat and choosing the right grind for your desired flavor. With some practice and time, anyone can master this technique quickly and effortlessly! Pour yourself an excellent cup of coffee and enjoy!

Method 4: Cezve 

Making coffee on the stove using a cezve is an age-old way of brewing coffee. It has been used in Middle Eastern countries since the 1500s and today, it is a popular method for achieving a richer and stronger taste than drip or percolated coffees. The process of making Turkish-style coffee with a cezve is relatively simple – all you need is your favorite ground coffee, water, and a cezve! Here are the steps to make great-tasting coffee on the stove with a cezve: 

How to Make Coffee on the Stove
  1. Start by measuring 1 tablespoon of finely ground coffee for every 6 ounces of water that you plan to use. Be sure to adjust this ratio as needed if you prefer your coffee weaker or stronger. 
  2. Place the ground coffee into the cezve and then add your desired amount of water. 
  3. Place the cezve on a low flame and begin stirring with a spoon. Keep stirring until all of the grounds are mixed in evenly with the water. 
  4. Once you have created an even mixture, turn up your flame to medium-high heat and continue stirring for 1 to 2 minutes – or until small foam bubbles form on the surface of the coffee mix. 
  5. Turn off your stove once you see these foam bubbles appear on top of your coffee mix and allow it to sit for 30 seconds to 1 minute while stirring occasionally. 
  6. Finally, pour your coffee into a cup or pot and enjoy! The foam on top is the best part – enjoy it while it’s hot! 

Making Turkish-style coffee with a cezve is an easy, yet delicious way to achieve a bold and full-bodied flavor. It may take some practice to get the perfect taste, but once you do, you’ll be making great-tasting coffee in no time! Enjoy your freshly brewed Turkish-style coffee on the stove with a cezve! 

These are four popular methods of making coffee on the stove. Each one has its unique flavor and provides a different experience, so experiment with each to find what works best for you! With some practice, you can make excellent-tasting coffee at home in no time and enjoy it for years to come. 

Best Coarse Levels to Make Coffee on Stovetop

For those wishing to make coffee on a stovetop, the ideal coarse grind level is between medium and coarse. The beans should be ground so that they are easily recognizable but will still pass through a filter when strained. This type of grind ensures maximum flavor extraction from the beans while creating a robust cup of coffee. A finer grind may produce an overly strong cup or one with too much sediment in it; whereas a coarser grind may prevent sufficient flavor extraction from the beans resulting in an unpleasantly weak brew.

When using fresh-roasted whole-bean coffee for stovetop brewing, always use freshly-ground coffee. Freshly-ground beans can release far more flavor than pre-ground coffee due to oxidation and will produce the best possible cup of brewed coffee. A burr grinder is ideal for this process, however, a blade grinder can also be used with good results.

For stovetop espresso makers such as a Moka pot, the beans should be ground to an even finer level than for traditional drip brewing. The grind should be comparable to table salt – small enough that it will pass through the filter but remain coarse enough so that no sediment passes into your beverage. When using freshly-roasted beans in a Moka pot, use them immediately and discard any grounds you do not use within 15 minutes of grinding.

Finally, when using pre-ground coffee on a stovetop brewer like a French press or percolator, it is important to select the proper grind. For French presses, use coarse-ground coffee and for percolators, a medium or fine grind should be used. Using the wrong grind can result in over-extraction and overly bitter coffee.

By selecting the correct grind level for your stovetop brewing method of choice, you can create a delicious cup of coffee each time without fail. Experiment with different levels to find what works best for you and enjoy!

Top Tips:

  • Always use freshly-ground beans when making stovetop coffee for maximum flavor extraction.
  • For Moka pots, the grounds should be finer than table salt but remain coarse enough so that no sediment passes into your beverage.
  • For French presses, use coarse-ground coffee and for percolators, select either a medium or fine grind.
  • Experiment with different levels to find what works best for you and enjoy!

The Best Tips and Tricks for Making Coffee on the Stove

1. Use the right grind: If you’re making coffee on the stove, it’s important to use a medium-coarse grind that is appropriate for this method of brewing. A coarser grind will result in an over-extracted cup of coffee with a bitter flavor, while too fine of a grind can lead to a muddy or weak cup. 

2. Preheat your pot: Before adding your ground coffee and water, make sure to preheat your pot by filling it with hot tap water and then discarding it before adding ingredients. This will help to ensure even extraction when brewing. 

3. Don’t boil: Boiling your coffee can increase bitterness, so be sure to heat the water until it is just below boiling (around 200°F). If you don’t have a thermometer, let the pot sit off of the heat for around 30 seconds after it starts bubbling.

4. Add coffee and stir: Once your water is heated properly, add in your ground coffee and give it a good stir with a spoon or whisk. Make sure all of the grounds are saturated with hot water and that there are no clumps at the bottom of the pot. 

5. Simmer gently: Place your pot on low-medium heat and allow it to simmer gently for 3-5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Do not boil or over-stir, as this may cause some of the grounds to escape into your cup. 

6. Remove from heat: Once it has reached the desired strength, remove your pot from the heat and allow it to cool for a few minutes before pouring. This will help to ensure that all of the flavors are extracted from the coffee grounds. 

7. Enjoy: Pour your freshly made stovetop coffee into a mug and enjoy! To keep it hot, you can transfer it to a thermos or insulated carafe. If desired, you can add cream and sugar as well. Enjoy!

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Benefits of Making Coffee on Stovetop 

Coffee brewed on the stovetop is a great option for people who want to enjoy a flavorful cup of coffee but don’t have access to an espresso machine or other fancy brewing methods. Making coffee on the stovetop is simple, and inexpensive and produces a delicious result whether you’re using ground beans or instant coffee. Here are some benefits of making coffee on the stovetop:

1. Cost-effective: Stovetop coffee makers are relatively affordable, especially compared to fancier models like espresso machines. You can also purchase reusable filters in place of paper filters for an even more economical choice.

Benefits of Making Coffee on Stovetop 

2. Customizable Flavor: With a stovetop maker, you can choose from different grinds of beans to customize the flavor of your coffee. You can also experiment with different ratios of water and coffee grounds to get your desired strength and taste.

3. Quick & Easy Brewing: All you need is a stovetop coffee maker, some ground beans or instant coffee, boiling water, and a few minutes. Making stovetop coffee takes very little time compared to other brewing methods.

4. Rich Flavor: When brewed on the stovetop, coffee has a richer flavor than when it’s brewed using an automatic drip machine or French press. This is because the heat from the boiling water extracts more oils from the beans which results in a stronger aroma and taste.

Making delicious and flavorful coffee at home doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. With a stovetop coffee maker, you can enjoy your favorite cup of joe without the fuss. Plus, you’ll save money and have more control over the flavor so you can make it just the way you like it!

Disadvantages of Making Coffee on Stovetop 

Making coffee on a stovetop can be a great alternative to an electric coffee maker, but it does have its downsides. Here are some of the disadvantages of making coffee on the stove: 

1. Time Commitment – Brewing coffee on a stovetop is more time-consuming than using an electric brewer. You must stay near the heat source and adjust the flame as needed to ensure that your brew stays at proper temperatures throughout. This requires constant monitoring, which can take away from other activities you were planning to do while your coffee was brewing. 

2. Heat Distribution – Not all stoves are created equal when it comes to distributing heat evenly across their surfaces. If your burner doesn’t distribute heat evenly, this could lead to uneven extraction of your grounds and a less-than-desirable brew. 

3. Messy Cleanup – There’s no way to deny it, brewing coffee on the stove can be quite messy! The process involves using pour-overs or other contraptions which require pouring water over the grounds multiple times and each time you do this, there’s a chance that some of the liquid (and grounds) will end up outside of your brewing vessel. 

4. Lack of Automation – Brewing coffee on a stovetop requires more manual involvement than an electric brewer since you must continually adjust the heat level to maintain proper temperatures for extraction. This also means that if you’re away from the stove, your coffee could end up being over or under-extracted. 

These are a few of the disadvantages associated with making coffee on a stovetop. Although this method may take longer and require more effort, it can produce flavorful results when done correctly. If you’re willing to put in the extra effort and time, then this could be an enjoyable way to brew your coffee!

Style of Making Coffee on Fire – “Nomadic” Beauty 

Discussing the appeal of making coffee outdoors over an open fire, there is something special about it that cannot be replicated in a modern kitchen. It’s a connection to the earth and the elements, a time for unplugging and connecting with nature. When done properly, this nomadic style of coffee brewing offers up some truly delicious flavors – smoky, woody notes from the burning embers contrasting with acidic tastes and subtle sweetness depending on the type of beans used.

But it’s not just about taste; it’s also about the atmosphere. Gathering around an outdoor fire to share stories, enjoy each others’ company and sip slowly on coffees made with love can create moments that will stay etched in memories forever. Plus the smells and sounds of the campfire make the entire experience even more magical.

Style of Making Coffee on Fire

If you’re interested in experimenting with this style of coffee making, there are a few tips to keep in mind. First off, start by gathering your supplies – a pot for boiling water, some coarsely ground coffee beans, and something combustible (wood twigs or charcoal chunks). Once the fire is going strong, boil the water and add enough grounds for the desired amount of coffee. After about 5 minutes of simmering, strain out any remaining particles and serve your freshly brewed concoction over ice or straight up!

The beauty of nomadic-style coffee making is that it can be as simple or complex as you want it to be; as long as you have the right supplies, a bit of creativity, and a spark to get it going, you can make some truly delicious coffee in no time. So why not gather your friends and family around the campfire and start brewing up some memories?


How Long Do You Cook Coffee on the Stove?

The length of time required to cook coffee on the stove depends on a few factors, such as the amount of water used and the desired strength of the brew. Generally speaking, it takes approximately 5-7 minutes to prepare a cup of strong brewed coffee on the stove. Begin by heating 6 ounces of cold, filtered water in a pot or saucepan to just below boiling (at 200° F).

Place 1-2 tablespoons of ground coffee in the center of a filter placed in the top portion of a French press or another similar device. Once the water reaches temperature, slowly pour it over the grounds, being sure to saturate all sides evenly for an optimal flavor. Allow this mixture to steep for 4-5 minutes before pressing down on the filter to separate the grounds from the liquid. Remove the filter and pour your brewed coffee into a mug or cup and enjoy!

If you prefer a weaker brew, reduce the amount of time steeping the grounds in hot water to 3 minutes or less. If you’d like an even stronger brew, increase the steeping time up to 8 minutes. Just remember that cooking it too long may result in a bitter flavor. Experiment with different times until you find one that suits your taste preferences best. Happy brewing!

How Do I Know When My Stovetop Coffee is Ready?

There are a few simple signs you can use to know when your stovetop coffee is ready. The first sign is the smell; when your coffee starts to give off a rich and inviting aroma, it’s probably done brewing. You should also look for bubbles that form at the bottom of the pot as this indicates that it has reached its boiling point. Lastly, if you insert a spoon into the mixture and note that no grounds stick to it when removed, then your coffee should be ready! 

The most important thing to remember with all methods of making coffee is not to over-brew it; otherwise, it will become bitter and unpleasant. Once you have achieved the desired flavor from your stovetop brew, immediately remove it from the heat to prevent over-extraction. Enjoy your freshly brewed cup of delicious coffee!

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Should You Pour Boiling Water on Coffee?

No, boiling water should not be used to make coffee. Boiling water can damage the flavor of the coffee, as well as burn the grounds and create a bitter taste. Instead, use hot water that is around 200°F (93°C); any hotter than this and you may end up burning your coffee. You can easily measure the temperature of your water using an electric kettle or thermometer. If you’re using a stovetop method for brewing, wait until the bubbles have just begun to break on top of the pot before pouring in your grounds. Otherwise, if it’s too hot, you’ll end up with a bitter cup of joe! 

For optimal flavor and aroma extraction, while brewing coffee, it’s also a good idea to use freshly-ground beans that were ground specifically for the brew method you’re using. Pre-ground coffee can become stale quickly and lose its flavor, so grinding your beans is always the best option if you want a delicious cup of coffee. 

Finally, be sure to properly store your freshly-ground beans in an airtight container at room temperature or below; this will ensure they maintain their freshness and retain their flavor longer. With proper care and attention, you can enjoy delicious cups of coffee each time you brew!

How Much Coffee Do You Put on the Stove?

The amount of coffee you should put on the stove depends on how strong a cup of coffee you would like to make. Generally, one tablespoon of ground coffee is recommended per six ounces of water. If you prefer a stronger cup of coffee, add a teaspoon or two. Keep in mind that adding too much coffee can result in an overly bitter taste and a weaker flavor if not enough is used. Experiment with different quantities until you find the perfect balance for your taste buds! 

How Much Water Do You Put in a Stovetop Coffee Maker?

When it comes to making coffee in a stovetop espresso maker, the amount of water you use is critical for achieving optimal taste. Generally speaking, you should fill up the pot with just enough cold filtered water so that it reaches the fill line indicated on the side of the pot, which is usually around two-thirds full. This ensures that all of the grounds are properly saturated while also allowing room for the brew to expand as it nears boiling point. 

Once you’ve finished brewing, be sure to remove any excess water and only leave behind what was used to make your coffee. Too much water can lead to over-extraction and a bitter flavor profile. Experimenting with different amounts of water could help you find a balance that works best for you. Enjoy!

How Do I Clean My Coffee Pot After Making Coffee on the Stove?

Cleaning your coffee pot after making stove-top coffee is relatively simple. Begin by pouring some hot water into the pot and allowing it to sit for a few minutes. This will help dissolve any grounds that may have stuck on the walls of the pot. After that, use a soft sponge or cloth with mild dish soap to gently scrub away any remaining residue in the pot. Rinse well with hot water and dry thoroughly before storing away. If you find there are still stubborn stains or grounds, repeat this process as necessary until they come out.

It’s also important to clean your coffee pot regularly so that it doesn’t become stained over time from repeated use. Once you have finished washing and rinsing your coffee pot, be sure to leave it open so that the inside of the pot can dry thoroughly. This will help prevent bacteria from forming and keep your coffee pot clean for longer.

If you are using a glass carafe or other fragile material, make sure to use caution when cleaning with hot water to avoid cracking or breaking. Many stove-top coffee makers also come with special brushes or cleaning tools designed specifically for this purpose. If you have one of these available, using it is a great way to ensure your coffee pot stays clean and in good condition for many years to come!

Are there any Safety Concerns I Should Be Aware of When Making Coffee on the Stove?

Yes, there are certain safety concerns to be aware of when making coffee on the stovetop. Always use a pot that is designed for stovetop brewing and never leave the pot unattended while it’s heating up or boiling—this can be a fire hazard. Also, make sure that you don’t overfill the pot with water as this can cause overflowing and scalding. When transferring the brewed coffee to another container or mug, take extra care to avoid burns from steam or hot water splashes. Lastly, if your stove has an open flame, keep flammable objects away from it to prevent any accidents. With these precautionary measures in mind, you can enjoy your freshly brewed coffee without worry! 

How Do I Keep The Coffee From Getting Bitter?

One of the best ways to prevent bitterness in your coffee is to use fresh-roasted, high-quality beans. Roasting brings out the flavors and oils that make coffee taste great, but if those beans have been sitting around for too long they can become stale, causing them to produce a more bitter flavor. Another tip is to grind your beans as close as possible to when you plan on brewing. This will ensure that all the flavorful oils are still intact when you brew your cup of joe.

Another key factor in preventing bitterness is how you brew your coffee. Using the right amount of water and properly controlling temperatures during extraction will help keep flavors balanced and avoid over-extraction which can lead to a bitter cup of coffee.

Finally, one of the most important things you can do is to clean and maintain your coffee maker regularly. This includes descaling, cleaning filters, and other regular maintenance. Accumulated deposits left in your machine over time break down oils and produce a more bitter flavor resulting in a cup of coffee. So make sure to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for proper care and cleaning of your machine. 


At the end of this article, we can draw several conclusions about how to make coffee on a stovetop. Firstly, it is a straightforward process that requires just a few basic items such as ground coffee, water, and a kettle or pan. Secondly, it is important to find the right ratio between coffee grounds and water to get the desired strength of your coffee. Finally, making coffee on the stovetop is an excellent way for those who don’t have access to specialty equipment that may be required for other brewing methods. 

All in all, learning how to make coffee on the stovetop is easy and rewarding once you understand how each step works together. Make sure to experiment with different ratios of coffee and water until you find the perfect cup of joe that suits your taste. Now, all that’s left to do is enjoy your freshly brewed coffee! 

Thank you for reading this article on how to make coffee on a stovetop. I hope it helped provide some guidance and information about this brewing method. Come to Phoenix Landing Bar for more helpful information.

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Hi, I’m Kai Adam, an American. After many years working as a bar waitress and bartender, I have found that I have great passion and potential for growth in the beverage-related field. So, I have opened a small bar at home to satisfy my love. Noticing that the drinks and items in the bar are of great interest to many people. So, along with my team of barista enthusiasts, I founded this website, The Phoenix Landing Bar. This website will provide you with knowledge about drinks, the necessary equipment, and the machines in the bar. And the important thing, we don’t sell products. We just help you get the best choices. With a clear mission, we hope The Phoenix Landing Bar will provide valuable articles to readers. In Our Website, There Is Truth.