What is a Flat White? – Clear Answer for You

What is a Flat White?

Have you ever ordered a coffee and been utterly confused by the options? You’re not alone. The world of coffee can be daunting, but it’s worth learning about if you want to snag the perfect drink every time. 

There was a time when I was traveling in Australia when I went to a coffee shop like at home, and there were still those drinks on the menu. However, there was a drink that I had never tried, which was Flat White. Have you heard of this name before? I think you’ve seen or tasted it but don’t know its name. Let me describe it, see if you’ve seen it before. It is a creamy, delicious coffee with sweetness and a hint of vanilla.

What Is A Flat White

And this is my first time having a flat white at an Australian coffee shop in Portland, Oregon. I had no idea what to expect, but I was in love after taking my first sip. So, what is a Flat White? A flat white is a coffee beverage made from espresso and steamed milk. The milk is steamed until it is frothy and then poured over the espresso. Flat whites are usually served with a thin layer of latte art on top.

They are typically less sweet than other coffee drinks and have a more intense flavor. And coincidentally, flat whites originated in Australia and New Zealand, right where I first stumbled upon this drink. So, it was fate that brought me to this drink. They are becoming increasingly popular in the United States.

If you’re looking for a caffeine fix slightly different from your usual cup of coffee, I highly recommend giving a flat white a try. You won’t be disappointed!

What is a Flat White?

Flat white is a coffee drink consisting of espresso with steamed milk. The proportion of coffee to milk is generally 1:1, and the milk is textured with a fine layer of foam on the surface. It is typically served in a ceramic cup.

The flat white originated in Australia in the 1980s and has since become popular in New Zealand, North America, and Europe. While its origins are unknown, it is believed to have been created by Italian immigrants who arrived in Australia in the early 20th century.

The flat white has recently experienced something of a resurgence, thanks partly to its popularity among hipsters and celebrities. It has also been aided by the rise of artisanal coffee shops and the popularity of espresso-based drinks.

If you’re looking for a delicious and creamy coffee drink, look no further than the flat white. This popular beverage is made with espresso and steamed milk, and it’s perfect for those who want something extra in their cup. Whether you’re a coffee lover or simply looking for a new drink, the flat white is worth a try. So what are you waiting for? Head to your local coffee shop and order one today!

History of the Flat White – Discuss the Popularity of Flat White in North America

Above, we learned “What is a Flat White?” and briefly discussed its origin. In this section, however, we’ll take a closer look at this and discuss why it’s so popular in North America. The flat white coffee drink originated in Australia in the 1980s. It is made with espresso and steamed milk and has recently become popular in North America.

There are conflicting stories about the origin of the flat white. Some say it was invented by Italian migrants who came to Australia in the 1950s, while others claim Australian café owners created it in the 1980s. However, there is no definitive answer.

We know that flat white became popular in Australia in the 1980s and has since spread to New Zealand, the UK, and the US. The flat white became popular in North America after Australian, and New Zealand immigrants began opening coffee shops in major cities like New York and Los Angeles. In addition, the rise of social media platforms like Instagram helped to spread the word about this unique coffee drink.

There are many reasons why flat white has become so popular. One of the most appealing aspects of the drink is its simplicity; it is made with just two ingredients, espresso and milk. This makes it a quick and easy coffee option for busy people on the go.

Another reason for its popularity is its versatile drink that can be customized to suit individual tastes. For example, some people prefer their flat whites with more milk, while others like them more robust and less milky.

Whatever your preference, there’s no doubt that the flat white is a delicious and refreshing coffee option that is here to stay.

Compare and Contrast a Flat White to Other Coffee Beverages

There are many espresso-based coffee drinks, one of which is also Flat White. To distinguish between these drinks, we need to compare them to know the differences between taste, preparation, etc. So, let’s begin.

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Flat White vs Latte

Flat white and latte both originate from Italy. They are two of the most popular coffee drinks around the world. So, what’s the difference between them?

A flat white is made with espresso and steamed milk, while a latte is made with espresso and milk that has been frothed. The result is that a flat white has a smoother, creamier texture, while a latte has more of a foamy texture.

Compare and Contrast a Flat White to Other Coffee Beverages

In terms of taste, a flat white is less sweet than a latte because the recipe uses less milk. This means the espresso flavor comes through more strongly in a flat white.

When it comes to caffeine content, there is no difference between a flat white and a latte. Both drinks contain around 95mg of caffeine per cup.

So, there you have it! The main difference between a flat white and a latte is in the texture and taste. If you’re looking for a smoother, creamier coffee drink, go for a flat white. If you prefer a frothy coffee with a sweeter taste, go for a latte.

Know more about Latte.

Flat White vs Cappuccino

As coffee lovers, we often debate the merits of different brewing methods and bean varieties. But when it comes to our favorite drinks, a few debates are as heated as the one between Cappuccino vs flat white, so what is a Flat White vs Cappuccino?

On the surface, these two drinks may seem similar. After all, they’re both made with espresso and steamed milk. However, there are a few key differences that set them apart.

We’ll take a closer look at the difference between Cappuccino and flat white. We’ll also give you our opinion on which drink is better!

So what’s the difference between Cappuccino and a flat white? Cappuccino is a coffee drink made with espresso and steamed milk, while flat white is made with espresso and milk that has been texturized to create a velvety microfoam.

Flat white also has less milk than Cappuccino, resulting in a higher coffee-to-milk ratio. This gives flat white a bolder flavor that some coffee lovers prefer.

So which drink is better? It all comes down to personal preference. If you like your coffee on the sweeter side, Cappuccino is a good choice. Flat white is the way to go if you prefer a bolder flavour.

Whichever drink you choose, we’re sure you’ll enjoy it! Know more about Cappuccino.

Flat White vs Americano

Flat White vs Americano is a debate that has been around for quite some time. While both drinks are made with espresso and milk, some key differences set them apart. So, what exactly is the difference between a flat white and an Americano?

The main difference between a flat white and an Americano is the amount of milk used. A flat white is made with less milk, which results in a stronger coffee flavor. On the other hand, an Americano is made with more milk, making it smoother and less intense.

When it comes to taste, a flat white is typically richer and more flavorful than an Americano. This is because the smaller milk makes the coffee beans shine through. An Americano can sometimes taste watery or bland in comparison.

In terms of caffeine content, there is also a difference between a flat white and an Americano. A flat white has less caffeine because of the smaller amount of milk used. An Americano has more caffeine because of the additional water used to make it.

So, which one should you choose? It depends on your personal preferences. A flat white is probably the better choice if you like a strong coffee flavor. On the other hand, an Americano might be a better option if you prefer a smoother drink with less caffeine.

From the above comparisons, we can see that a Flat White is distinguished from other coffee drinks by its strong coffee flavor, less foam, and small mound appearance. Therefore, Flat White is the drink for you if you want a drink with a more intense coffee flavor!

The Recipe for Making a Perfect Flat White at Home

You can’t go to a coffee shop every day and buy a cup of Flat White, right? I know, I know, you love Flat White, and so1 do I but don’t throw your money at the coffee shops daily. We can also make a Flat White at home. You guys think it won’t be as good as in the store, right? Hmm, maybe, but not sure. Depending on each person’s taste, some people will find the following recipe delicious, but some people want to go to the store to drink more. Again, this depends on each person. 

The Recipe for Making a Perfect Flat White at Home

And one thing you won’t be able to do at home is to make a pattern of latte art, which bartenders have learned a long time to do, so it’s tough for you to do at home. However, this doesn’t matter much if you like Flat White for its taste. So here I show you how to make Flat White at home. Try it to see if it suits your taste!

Here is a recipe for making a flat white at home:


  • 2 shots of espresso 
  • 4 oz. of steamed milk 
  • 1 tbsp. Of sugar (optional) 


  1. Pull two shots of espresso and pour them into a cup. You can use very strong coffee if you don’t have an espresso machine. 
  2. Steam the milk until it’s hot and bubbly. If you don’t have a steamer, you can heat the milk in a pot on the stove until it’s hot, then whisk it vigorously until it’s frothy. 
  3. Pour the milk into the espresso, leaving some room at the top for the foam. Stir gently to combine. 
  4. Add sugar to taste, if desired. 
  5. Spoon the foam on top and serve immediately.

So you know how to make a delicious flat white at home. There is still a lot of interesting information in the article “What is a Flat White?”, read on!

Latte Art and Things to Know About It

Latte art is a technique used to decorate the surface of espresso drinks with designs made from steamed milk. It can create patterns such as hearts, leaves, or abstract designs.

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Latte art is often created by pouring steamed milk into a shot of espresso and then using a spoon or other tool to swirl the two liquids together. The resulting pattern depends on the skill of the barista and the type of milk being used.

Whole milk is typically used for latte art because it contains fat particles that help to create a smooth, evenly-textured foam. Skimmed milk can also be used, but it may not produce consistent results.

The key to making good latte art is to start with well-textured milk. The milk should be steamed until it is hot and bubbly, but not so long after, it starts to form bubbles.

Once the milk is steamed, it should be poured slowly into the espresso. The barista should hold the cup close to the surface of the liquid and pour it into a steady stream.

Once the milk has been added, the barista can use a spoon or other tool to swirl it around and create the desired pattern.

Latte art is not only about creating visually appealing designs; it can also be used to improve the taste of coffee drinks. For example, when milk is steamed correctly, it brings out the sweetness and other flavorful notes that can enhance the taste of coffee.

Latte art has become increasingly popular recently, with baristas experimenting with new techniques and designs worldwide. While it takes practice to perfect the art form, it is a relatively easy way to make coffee drinks more enjoyable.

What Role Does Latte Art Play in Developing The Coffee Industry?

Latte art has become a popular way to make coffee drinks more visually appealing and enjoyable. While it takes practice to perfect the art form, it is a relatively easy way to make coffee drinks more enjoyable. In addition to making coffee drinks more attractive, latte art can also improve the taste of coffee drinks. When milk is steamed correctly, it brings out the sweetness and other flavorful notes that can enhance the taste of coffee.

The popularity of latte art has increased the number of people interested in developing their skills in this area. This has resulted in a need for more training and education on latte art techniques. As the demand for latte art increases, the coffee industry will likely see a corresponding increase in businesses offering latte art training and education. This will allow more people to develop their skills in this area and help grow the coffee industry.

The Different Types of Latte Art

There are many types of latte art, each with its unique design. Some of the most popular types of latte art include:

Heart: This type of latte art is created by pouring steamed milk into a shot of espresso and then using a spoon or other tool to swirl the two liquids together. The resulting pattern depends on the skill of the barista and the type of milk being used.

The Different Types of Latte Art

Leaf: This type of latte art is created by pouring steamed milk into a shot of espresso and then using a spoon or other tool to create a spiral pattern. The spiral pattern can be made by starting in the center of the cup and spiraling outwards.

Abstract: This type of latte art is created by pouring steamed milk into a shot of espresso and then using a spoon or other tool to create a random design. The design can be anything from a simple swirl to a more complex pattern.

Latte art has become increasingly popular recently, with baristas experimenting with new techniques and designs worldwide. While it takes practice to perfect the art form, it is a relatively easy way to make coffee drinks more enjoyable.

FAQs for “What is a Flat White?”

Is a Flat White The Same as a Latte?

A Flat White is very similar to a latte, but there are some key differences. A Flat White is made with less milk than a latte, producing a more robust coffee flavor. The milk in a Flat White is also steamed longer, giving it a more velvety texture.

What is The Difference Between a Latte and Cappuccino?

A Cappuccino is made with more milk than a latte, resulting in a sweeter drink. The milk in a cappuccino is also foamed longer, giving it a thicker texture.

Is Espresso The Same as Coffee?

No, espresso is not the same as coffee. Fitting hot water through finely-ground coffee beans makes espresso, producing robust and concentrated coffee. Conversely, coffee is made by brewing ground coffee beans in hot water, resulting in a weaker drink.

What is The Difference Between Americano and Espresso?

An Americano is made by adding hot water to espresso, resulting in a weaker drink. Espresso is made by forcing hot water through finely-ground coffee beans, producing robust and concentrated coffee.

How Do You Make a Flat White?

A Flat White is made by adding steamed milk to a shot of espresso and then using a spoon or other tool to swirl the two liquids together. The resulting pattern depends on the skill of the barista and the type of milk being used.

Is a Flat White Caffeinated?

To connect with the question “what is a flat white coffee“, let’s learn about the caffeine in it. A Flat White is caffeinated. The coffee grounds are brewed with hot water, and steamed milk is added. This creates a strong and flavorful coffee that contains caffeine. If you are looking for a coffee that is not caffeinated, you can try a decaf coffee or a herbal tea.

What is The Difference Between a Latte and Macchiato?

A Macchiato is made with less milk than a latte, producing a more robust coffee flavor. The milk in a Macchiato is also foamed longer, giving it a thicker texture.

What is The Difference Between a Mocha and a Latte?

A Mocha is made with chocolate syrup and steamed milk, resulting in a sweeter drink. A latte is made with steamed milk and espresso, resulting in a stronger coffee flavor.

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Why is It Called Flat White?

The name Flat White comes from the coffee drink being made with steamed milk that is then poured over espresso. The result is a coffee drink with a smooth, velvety texture and a strong coffee flavor.

How Much Caffeine is in a Flat White?

A standard cup of coffee contains approximately 95mg of caffeine, while an espresso contains approximately 40mg. A Flat White contains both espresso and steamed milk, so the amount of caffeine will depend on the ratio of these two ingredients. A Flat White will generally contain less caffeine than a cup of coffee but more than espresso.

What is The Difference Between Iced Coffee and Cold Brew?

Iced coffee is made by brewing hot coffee and pouring it over ice, while cold brew is made by steeping coffee grounds in cold water for an extended period. As a result, cold brew has a more robust flavor than iced coffee and contains less acidity.

Is a Flat White Vegan?

When asked “what is a flat white” we often encounter other problems that arise from it, such as whether it is vegan. A Flat White can be vegan if made with plant-based milk instead of dairy milk. Some coffee shops also offer vegan syrups and toppings, so be sure to ask about these options if you are looking for a vegan Flat White.

Is a Flat White Just a White Coffee?

A flat white is not just a white coffee. It is made with espresso and steamed milk, resulting in a strong coffee flavor. The milk is also foamed longer, giving it a thicker texture.

Is a Latte Stronger Than a Flat White?

There is no definitive answer to this question since the strength of a latte, or flat white can vary depending on how much coffee is used in the recipe and how it is brewed. However, generally speaking, a latte will have more caffeine than a flat white since it contains more espresso shots. So a latte may be the better choice if you’re looking for a more potent coffee drink.

Is a Macchiato Stronger Than a Flat White?

There is no definitive answer to this question since the strength of each drink depends on various factors, such as the type and quality of coffee used, the brewing method, and the individual’s personal preferences. However, in general, a macchiato is likely to be slightly stronger than a flat white due to its higher espresso content. Espresso is a concentrated coffee with more caffeine per ounce than regular brewed coffee. 

Therefore, a drink with one or two shots of espresso will usually be stronger and more caffeinated than a flat white, which typically contains just a single shot of espresso. Of course, this is not always the case – it depends on how the drinks are prepared and served. For example, if a flat white is made with a double shot of espresso, it will likely be more potent than a macchiato made with a single shot. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide how much caffeine they want in their drink and to adjust the ingredients accordingly.

Why is Flat White The Best Coffee?

There is no one answer to this question since everyone has different preferences regarding coffee. For example, some people might find that the strong flavor of espresso in a flat white is the best part, while others might prefer the creamy texture of steamed milk. Ultimately, it all comes down to personal preference. So if you’re wondering why flat white is the best coffee, ask yourself what you like most about drinking coffee and go from there. You might be surprised at how much you enjoy this coffee type once you try it!

How Many Shots are in a Flat White?

A flat white generally contains one or two espresso shots, with steamed milk and microfoam added. However, the amount of espresso and milk can vary depending on the barista’s recipe. For example, some baristas may use more milk to create a smoother drink, while others may use less milk for a more robust flavor. Ultimately, it all comes down to personal preference.

Why are Flat Whites More Expensive Than a Latte?

There are a few reasons why flat whites might be more expensive than lattes. First, flat whites generally contain two espresso shots, while lattes usually contain just one. Therefore, flat whites require more coffee, which can drive up the price. Flat whites often use microfoam, a type of steamed milk with higher fat content and are more challenging to create. For these reasons, flat whites are slightly more expensive than lattes. However, the price difference is typically minimal, so it all comes down to personal preference. 


So, in short, what is a flat white? Flat white is a coffee drink from Australia or New Zealand, made by pouring milk into espresso and creating a microfoam. It is similar to a latte, except that the milk in flat white has less foam and is more evenly mixed throughout the beverage. The term “flat white” was first used in print in 1981, but it was not until the 1990s that the drink became popularized.

In recent years, the popularity of flat white has grown rapidly in countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada. In Australia, it is typically served in a ceramic mug, while in New Zealand, it is often served in a glass.

The taste of flat white has been described as sweet, creamy, and velvety. The coffee-to-milk ratio is typically 1:2, but this can vary depending on the barista’s preference.

If you haven’t had one before, we suggest you try it! They are perfect for a quick caffeine fix or an afternoon pick-me-up. We hope this article has helped you learn more about flat whites and their history. Do you have questions about flat whites that weren’t answered in this article? Let us know in the comments below! Come to PhoenixLandingBar for more cool things. Thank you for reading our “What is a Flat White?” post.

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Hi, I’m Kai Adam, an American. After many years working as a bar waitress and bartender, I have found that I have great passion and potential for growth in the beverage-related field. So, I have opened a small bar at home to satisfy my love. Noticing that the drinks and items in the bar are of great interest to many people. So, along with my team of barista enthusiasts, I founded this website, The Phoenix Landing Bar. This website will provide you with knowledge about drinks, the necessary equipment, and the machines in the bar. And the important thing, we don’t sell products. We just help you get the best choices. With a clear mission, we hope The Phoenix Landing Bar will provide valuable articles to readers. In Our Website, There Is Truth.